What is Psoas tendonitis?
Tendonitis is a condition that develops due to inflammation of the tendon. A tendon consists of fibrous connective tissue that connects the muscle to bone. The psoas, also known as the iliopsoas, is a prominent muscle found at the anterior part of the hip that enables flexion of the joint. Generally considered extensive, the psoas begins in the lower back and pelvis and ends on the inside of the upper portion of the femur.
What causes psoas tendonitis?
The psoas tendon is prone to inflammation as a result of overuse, muscle weakness and restriction (tightness) within the muscle. The condition is known to affect any individual regardless of age. However, athletes who partake in sports such as running, tennis, baseball, swimming and cycling are at greater risk of psoas tendonitis.
How does Dr van Niekerk check for psoas tendonitis?
Dr van Niekerk diagnoses psoas tendonitis by reviewing your medical history and conducting a thorough physical exam of the hip, abdomen and groin regions. He then inspects the hip, asking you to bend and rotate at the hip.
How do you treat psoas tendonitis?
Several ways exist to treat psoas tendonitis, which can be done through frictional massage therapy, cold therapy, soft tissue manipulation and mobilisation of the area. Other forms of medical management involve administering corticosteroid injections through image guidance and, in rare instances, performing surgery.
Two types of surgical procedures are carried out to treat Psoas Tendonitis, such as tendon lengthening surgery or surgical release of the tendon at the point where the lesser trochanter, the bony projection that makes up the femoral shaft, lies. Surgical release of the tendon involves severing the psoas tendon to relieve pain and improve hip joint mobility. Tendon release surgery can be done openly or through smaller incisions, a procedure referred to as endoscopic release surgery.
A snapping hip syndrome is a condition characterised by a snapping or popping sound emanating from the hip. As a result, you will hear a ‘pop’ or ‘click’ from the hip.
Fortunately, with conservative treatments, the snapping of the hip can dissipate.
A snapping hip can occur due to floating fragments of debris in the hip or torn cartilage lining. Tight ligaments causing friction or tendinitis may also cause snapping.